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Seismovision 2.21 is here.
by DGhost @ [04:48 PM] March 31 2003

OomJan, the author of the excellent demo viewer Seismovision has just released the newest version, making it to 2.21. Fixing the following bugs:
- fixed: Demos not playing on Counter-Strike Retail
- updated: Seismovision - Update System v1.10
- added: The Update System now states when it cannot reach the server.
- added: Size in megabytes is now displayed in the Update System when selecting downloads.
- fixed: A nasty bug that made the playing if demo impossible on certain systems
- added: Greek (thanx got greepLayer) and Spanish (thanx to [mostoles*arena]memphis) translation of Seismovision, now 8 languages!!!
At the same time, he's already planning version 3.0 and ask for your suggestions about what would you like to have in Seismovision. You can post your comments on the forum here.

True Combat 1.0 is coming soon!
by DGhost @ [12:03 PM] March 31 2003

Remember True Combat? The mod that aim to be the most realistic combat engine ever? It has been under alpha development for a long time. But now we got some update as the version 1.0 will finally be released soon! With that a video teaser that you can download here, until the version 1.0 is out.

Pax Imperia for Quake 2
by cTbone @ [11:00 AM] March 29 2003

I just love modifications that can breath new life into older games. Pax Imperia by Mark Shan looks to be a good filler for that role. It's a complete Quake 2 single play mission that includes 8 maps, over 2500 enemies, new monsters and models, and a new Quake 2 engine (!). The release date is currently set at April 1st.

New Release for Dark Places
by cTbone @ [10:51 AM] March 29 2003

LordHavoc has a new dpmaster release over at the Dark Place's website. Here's a news clip from the site:
New dpmaster release, major bugfix (no longer locks up after running for a very long time when someone asks for a server list, encountered this on my own dpmaster), thanks Elric!

OGL 2v2 Quake 3 Ladder
by cTbone @ [10:48 AM] March 29 2003

OGL has a new tournament ladder up for Quake 3. Think you can successfully team up with another player and fight it out 2v2 style? Here's the sign-up page if you're interested.

The bug zone, a starship troopers total conversion
by DGhost @ [04:43 PM] March 28 2003

Planetquake is, again, hosting a new mod project, this one called: The bug zone, a starship troopers total conversion. Already some nice pictures of the mods are available. The TC is a 2 team (the marines vs the bugs) with different classes and of course will be focused on teamplay. Checkout the screenshots or download the small previews in an .avi format available. This TC look really nice!

A new CTF map
by DGhost @ [10:54 AM] March 27 2003

Leakspot got, again some new maps, this one is a CTF! Yeah you know me, when it's CTF, I'm there right away! And on top of that the mapper look to be from the same city as me (or around Montréal). Anyway, I can't wait to get back home tonight so that I can try Gregypt CTF1. And yes by the name it's an egyptian themed map.

Update on Rocket Arena 3
by DGhost @ [10:19 PM] March 26 2003

Big news people, Crt, the author of the popular mod Rocket Arena 3 will pass the flame to a team of programmers. With this, Crt will let the mod continue to grow and expand and be more updated, since he didn't have the time for it anymore. Here's an introduction for them
The group is actually a Swedish Company (Ataxia Software HB) filled with RA3-players who are passionate about improving the game, led by Patrik 'ElQueffo' Persson. Both because they are long-time RA3 players, and because they are an experienced team, I have high hopes for their success.
They are already working on a new version, which will be more integrated with the point release 1.32. More details on the website of Rocket Arena 3.

New Urban Dominion Screenshots
by cTbone @ [08:36 AM] March 25 2003

The massive multiplayer Quake 2 modification, Urban Dominion, has release some new screen shots showing the alpha build as well as the default HUD from the game:
We've released more screenshots for Urban Dominion that were taken from today's alpha test staged build, which includes the default preliminary HUD. These screenshots can be found in the "Media" section. In-game models are coming soon...

GtkRadiant: new version, sic
by DGhost @ [07:02 PM] March 24 2003

Again 2 new version for GtkRadiant is out. First of all, on the stable branch of the software, GtkRadiant 1.2.13 is out fixing some small bugs with SoF 2 and the next cycle of release will be 1.3. On the other hand the team is announcing that the test release for MacOSX is out, version 1.3. MacOSX devellopers who wants to help are more than welcome and you can give your feedback to the mailing list.

RTS: The ultimate Quake 3 search engine
by DGhost @ [05:51 PM] March 23 2003

So you are a newbie with Quake 3 and you wanna start mapping/skinning/whatever but you don't even know where to look for some help? RTS Q3 search is a webpage that let you search fo any link related to your Quake 3 editing need. You only need to enter the word of what you are looking for and the results will be given to you (it's like magic man). It's like a Google, but with Quake 3 in mind only.

A music video with Quake 3?
by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] March 22 2003

Sometimes I wonder how can people, with too much free time on their hands, can think of. But it's good since with the internet we can all share our works. Check out this video (format .wmv, about 4 megs) where some Quake 3 models are reproducing one of the classic video from... No I won't say from who, but here's a tip, video with dancing zombies.

Interview with Briank Hook
by DGhost @ [04:31 PM] March 21 2003

Remember him? He's one of the wizard with John Carmak that programmed Quake 2 and Quake 3 (and also one of the architect of the Glide API used by 3DFX Voodoo video cards). He is now president of Pyrogon Games which specialise in puzzle games. The website Curmudgeon gamer got an interview with him. The interview turn mostly around games design and selling games for linux, wich is rather interresting.

New version of PunkBuster
by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] March 21 2003

EvenBalance let the word out that yesterday a new version of PunkBuster (client and server) was released (if you played Quake 3 yesterday you should have noticed). Version 1.026 for the client:
  • new /pb_myguid console command displays the current cdkey and resulting PB GUID
  • new pb_autoexec setting to hold the name of a user-created script that PB will execute after each new server connection; players can create or edit pbcl.cfg with a text editor such as notepad and add a line such as 'pb_autoexec pbgame'; then in the Quake3 'baseq3' folder create a file called pbgame.cfg and enter commands that should be executed automatically after each connection.
  • And version 1.029 for the server:
  • improved detection and handling of corrupted security data (pbsv.db file)
  • addressed pb_sv_restart bug that caused unexpected server exit on some linux boxes
  • Also be aware that EvenBalance has stated that the violation #60080 is not a violation in itself and cause false positive for some players. PB server admins should ignore the violation #60080.

    "I ran a Quake house"
    by DGhost @ [05:23 PM] March 20 2003

    Here's something totally different than usual. The website The Toque got some articles with Quake as the subject (be warned that these articles are satire). Here's a taste of it:
    MY HOME-- One day I was standing amidst the clutter--candy-bar wrappers littered my cola-stained carpet, extension cords and ethernet cables wove through my living room like wild ivy, and my curtains were sewn shut to prevent even the narrowest of sunbeams from entering--when I realized what my home had become: a Quake house.

    The neighbours had a right to be suspicious. They had seen the eerie flickering lights glowing within; they had watched the curious-looking young strangers coming and going at all hours of the day and night, carrying peculiar boxes, bags, and backpacks; they had heard the strange artificial sounds echoing from inside--noises they couldn't quite describe. They knew something was drawing them like Sim-ants to a Sim-picnic.

    What they didn't realize though, was that I was trafficking not in crack or heroin, but something far worse...multiplayer gaming.
    I suggest (if you can read that is):
  • I ran a Quake house
  • Why I lost that Deathmatch
  • Quake player can't distinguish gaming from reality
  • Why I lost my girlfriend
  • And more on the website of The Toque.

    The 2Q3 mappers challenge
    by DGhost @ [05:47 PM] March 19 2003

    The Tiki Domain is warning us that next friday the inscription will be closed for the registration of the 2q3 mappers challenge. From the website, here's the rules:
    The Challenge, should you choose to accept it, and you should, is this: to create the koolest map possible in two to three months. From reading your text files in maps that have come to the Tikidomain, I can estimate that is plenty of time, and you won't have to slave yourself to your computer.
    Only 2 months left to make a map! Are you feeling up to it?

    Xtreme Quake 3
    by Destify @ [10:44 AM] March 18 2003

    The Xtreme mod for Quake 3 has been updated to version 1.12. It's only 300k! Worth checking out for that small of a download.
    These are some of the new features added:
    Clients have the ability to opt out of lag compensation with "cg_delag".
    Lag compensation can be adjusted or used only with specific weapons.
    Armor now gives added protection from damage
    Optional full lag compensation
    Server admins can disable any weapon

    New tool for Quake 3 admin
    by DGhost @ [04:04 PM] March 17 2003

    Aphextwin has released a tool for the admins of Quake servers using Punkbuster. This utility scans your punkbuster log, check for any game violations and cheats. Once it has found the information, you can update your pbbans.dat easily by adding the IP of the offender by a simple click to your pbbans.dat. Pretty nice uh? Check out Aphextwin's website or download this tool here.

    UMP 3 is coming!
    by DGhost @ [02:51 PM] March 15 2003

    The universal map pack project is growing again! Personnaly it's one of the best map pack I've ever got! All maps are CTF only and the quality are excellent! You can find the UMP1 here and the UMP2 here. Phooka the initiator of the map packs posted a message on the forum of Quake 3 World about sending your maps for submissions on the next UMP3. Maps must be for CTF mode, support threewave also and a benefit would also be supporting bot (but it's not a major feature). You can read Phooka's message here.

    GtkRadiant 1.3.6
    by DGhost @ [11:45 PM] March 13 2003

    Small update for the Win32 OSes, bringing GtkRadiant to version 1.3.6. The support for Half life has been improved and fix other small bugs, nothing too much major.

    Demos too big?
    by DGhost @ [02:26 PM] March 12 2003

    Here come the Quake 3 Server Demo Center or simply Q3SDC (btw, the webpage of the creator is in russian I think, you can get an english version here). This nifty little program take your Quake 3 demo, compress it and give you the POV of any players in the game. Finish having to see only the POV of the players your following (this feature is already include in many mods for Quake 3, except the plain vanilla Quake 3). The compression feature is really nice also as it said that it can compress a 6 megs demo to 800 Kb. You can download Q3SDC here. Drawback? This software works only with Quake 3 version 1.32 and for the Win32 platforme.

    The TBLM map pack
    by DGhost @ [02:18 PM] March 11 2003

    Juggernaut from the Blue Machine just finished 4 maps designed with CTFS in mind and CTF. Whoa! That's for me, 3wave here I come... BTW, I strongly suggest you try Threewave CTF. So if you want some pics of the map, check here or download this 4 maps pack here.

    GtkRadiant 1.3
    by DGhost @ [02:12 PM] March 11 2003

    New update for GtkRadiant, bringing it to version 1.3, available so far only on the Win32 OS. Also first release supporting Half Life. On another topic, they are still working hard on the OSX version and they, "desperately need OSX developers". That's it!

    OSP 1.03a
    by DGhost @ [02:07 AM] March 09 2003

    The latest release of OSP for Quake 3 just came out! The update is a server side only and here's the changelog:
    - Fix: "Godmode" exploit
    - Fix: droppable HIs in modes besides Vanilla FT
    - Fix: reset server_freezetag to 0 for custom modes (prior to exec'ing)
    - Change: server_freezetag is now a serverinfo cvar
    So if you plan on running a server, go grab it, else you don't need it.

    It's a new tower record
    by DGhost @ [02:01 AM] March 09 2003

    A new record has been set for a tower of players in Quake 3, making it 59 players (Polish), you can download the demo file from PlanetQuake3.net here.

    Western Quake 3 Soon!
    by cTbone @ [12:02 PM] March 07 2003

    Today is the day, according to Western Quake 3, that the new Beta 2 update will be released. So far, it looks as if everything is in order admist the discovery of a last second bug that was promptly fixed. Here's an exerpt from their main page:
    Well friends, the countdown is going into its end phase now. Only a few more hours to go. Many mirrors have the files already on their servers and some gameservers are already running Beta 2.0. So as you can see, everything is working just fine by now.
    Hopefully everything will launch successfully and we can all try out Beta 2 later on today!

    What's going on with UT?
    by DGhost @ [11:53 PM] March 06 2003

    It's for Urban Terror, not the "other" game. Well, 2.6a is on the net since a couple of weeks now, the changes where huge (mostly for the weapons), of course, with that came all the "comments" from the community. The team behind UT is, again, busy with the next release, 2.7, where we should see a new mode in a kinda bomb/defuse gameplay. Not to forget, new maps also. I could go on with all the new features that they're gonna include, but instead I'll let you read the whole thing on their website.

    Is QuakeWorld dying?
    by DGhost @ [01:25 PM] March 06 2003

    Challenge-TV got some interesting comments about QuakeWorld. Is it dying or not? After more than 7 years that players are hooked on it, the competition scene seems to be slowing down. Personnally, I'm really impress to see where QuakeWorld has gone, after more than 7 years!

    Quake 3 CTF history - part 2
    by DGhost @ [10:59 PM] March 05 2003

    Second part on ShackES about the history of the Quake 3 CTF competition scene. First article was the year 2000 and now with part 2, we get a glimpse on 2001. Only a last article to be done!

    New texture pack for Quake 3
    by DGhost @ [04:25 PM] March 04 2003

    Speedy just released a new pack of textures designed with Quake 3 in mind. Check out a preview of the textures here. At the same time, I would recommend checking out the skybox he created, it's magnificient!. Hit Speedy's webpage for all the goodies!

    News about Medal of honor
    by DGhost @ [01:31 PM] March 04 2003

    Homelanfed got some nice previews of Medal of honor: Rising sun, which is a first part of 2 of a game for the console (PS2, xbox and gamecube), set in the pacific. The games will also include multiplayer, where the screen can be separated in 4, but no online multiplayer tough. At the same time, they got some informations about the next mission pack for MoH PC, that should be released this summer. An external developer will make this expansion, no name about that studio or the expansion title has been said. But they did said that the next mission pack would be centered around the african and italian campaign of WWII. And a new multiplayer gameplay mode will be introduced. You can read it all here.

    Western Quake News
    by cTbone @ [03:37 PM] March 03 2003

    The guys over at Western Quake 3 have released the manual for their upcoming mod update. They have also announced a specific launch date of March 7th at 9PM CET:
    And now, after quite some time (I cant even count it anymore) of development and endless weeks of beta testing we are finally ready to communicate an official release date for a hopefully bug-free Beta 2.0 version of Western Quake³. This one will be Friday, March 7th at 9pm CET (GMT +1). Wed be glad to meet you at the pre-release party taking place one hour before the release in our IRC channel irc.quakenet.org #westernq3. See you there!

    Watch out it's a bomb!
    by DGhost @ [12:35 PM] March 03 2003

    A new total conversion for Quake 3 is under development wich is called Bomb Q3. The game fall in the cute categorie and looks to be amazing with a new genre of game "a la" bomberman. The team is currently looking for more help with an additional mapper and someone who can work on the sound fx. Screenshots from their first alpha version is also available on their website.

    Interview with Paul Jaquays Part II & Part III
    by Destify @ [04:28 PM] March 02 2003

    Part II and Part III of the interview with Paul Jaquays of Ensemble Studios but most remembered from ID Software by QuakeSkills. Part II talks about his origins at ID Software mostly while Part III talks about level designing and some good pieces of advice. Free advice from a top designer! GO read it!

    Dark Places Quake Engine Update
    by Destify @ [04:12 PM] March 02 2003

    LordHavoc's Dark Places Quake engine modification has been updated! It addresses a few bugs and adds some tweaks! So head on over here and download it. Thanks to PlanetQuake for that tidbit!

    Suicidal Quake Mod Update
    by Destify @ [04:11 PM] March 02 2003

    Suicidal Quake Mod has been updated to version 1.5.9 by DeathMedic3rd. Small patch fixing a small bug and improving monster AI. The link seems to be broken right now :-( So let's hope he is just updating his site ;-)

    OSP 1.03 is here!
    by DGhost @ [02:35 PM] March 02 2003

    Yes it's there, OSP version 1.03, fixing some small bugs from the lastest version. Check out the readme.txt for all the changes/fixes that have been implemented. You can download it here

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