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The Burial Ground map pack
by DGhost @ [10:48 PM] April 30 2002

Speaking of map pack, here is an another one that a lot of people were waiting for. The Burial Ground Map Pack, intented mostly for deathmatch for about 6 to 10 players. Customs textures, new soundtrack, cool logos, yadayadayada... A TON of new features in the pack.

UMP1 has been released
by DGhost @ [10:35 PM] April 30 2002

The Unofficial Map Pack I was talking about a while ago has been released. Featuring maps for Quake 3 CTF, Threewave CTF and Team Arena CTF. And of course saying that this pack has been created by some good mappers is useless since we all already know that. Also note that if you want to submit your map for the UMP2, now is the time.

Rant & Rave @ Planetquake
by DGhost @ [10:23 PM] April 30 2002

The Rant & Rave of PlanetQuake this week feature a post of Dekard himself. The only one, our bohemian gameadmin from Threewave CTF. The post, Where has our community gone? raise some light on some concern that are emerging more and more often in the FPS gaming community. Wich in a way, is true.

SOF2:Demo Runner beta.3
by EZD @ [03:38 PM] April 30 2002

Aphextwin has released SOF2:Demo Runner beta version 3.
SOF2:Demo Runner, the server setup utility for Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix MP TEST, is currently at version beta .3 this version fixes a few typos and adds the ability to execute additional configurations.
As always I am open to feedback, requests, observations etc.
Get the full install here, or head over to the main Runner page for other server utilities.

Dear Helga...
by DGhost @ [01:25 PM] April 30 2002

Just got a new .Plan from Todd Hollenshead of IDsoftware where he only give us a link. Dear Helga, hosted on Planet Wolfenstein. Funny reading. Oh and since you're there, check out their PotD. Really nice!

Old interview with Kevin Cloud
by DGhost @ [12:31 PM] April 29 2002

Okay, actually that interview is pretty old (16 december 2001). I found it on the website of DTeam where they will also post the scores of the GeoComp2 challenge. Anyway to go back about the interview, Kevin talk a little bit about Doom3 and the feeling of the game. Easy read.

D-Day: Normandy v4.0
by DGhost @ [12:14 PM] April 29 2002

D-Day: Normandy is a Quake 2 mod based on the WWII (as you can guess with a title like that). So if you're into WWII FPS you might wanna give this one a shot since it got excellent praises. The mod got a full graphical installer wich make it even easier to install and also, one cool feature that is coming (in a near futur) with this one is a stand-alone executable (you won't need the Quake 2 cd).

Programming tutorials for RtCW
by DGhost @ [03:38 PM] April 29 2002

Lord RhiNo is the one who made these nice tutorials to help for programmation. A lot of tutorials for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and even some for Quake 3. There is a lot of ressource available on his webpage to help you program with these games.

Update: The Geocomp 2
by DGhost @ [12:55 AM] April 28 2002

Ah saturday night. Quiet one...

Oh yeah the Geocomp 2. What's going on with that? Well, Nunuk is still gathering all the reviews and scores and one juge left because of his schedule. But we should get the result this week. More news to come! :)

Jedi Knight II Tops PC Game Sales Charts In US, UK, And Germany
by EZD @ [05:56 PM] April 27 2002

LucasArts released a press release Friday announcing that Jedi Knight II was the best selling PC game for the month of March in the US, UK, and Germany. Here's a piece of the release:
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- April 26, 2002 -- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, from LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC, was the best-selling premium priced PC game in dollars for the month of March, according to NPD Intelect. The first-person action game has remained a top-selling title in North America since its launch on March 28, 2002.
Click here for the full story.

What Do Wives Think Of SOF?
by EZD @ [05:58 PM] April 27 2002

I think this is a pretty funny interview. If I was among the married folk I'd venture to say I wouldn't play FPS as much as I do now (3 - 4 hours a day). Anyway, Buzby from DrunkGamers took sime time out to interview his wife about the SOF 2 MP Test. It's a pretty funny interview, I had to laugh at this part:
Buzby: Okay. Anything else?

Jane: People say "Get me some backup!" and "Clear!" all the time. And you complain that shooting someone in the head doesn't kill them --

Buzby: Okay that's enough.

Jane: -- you say that you can "shoot a guy fifty f-ing times then he turns around and kills me with one shot."

Buzby: Okay.

Jane: I don't think you are very good at this game. Whenever I come in here, you are always watching other people play.

Check out the entire interview here.

IDsoftware website new facelift
by DGhost @ [03:19 PM] April 27 2002

Would you believe that after sooooooooo many years, the IDsoftware website got a new design? About time! :)

Nightmare Orchards
by DGhost @ [06:55 PM] April 25 2002

Okay when I'm at the point of posting something about Quake 2 it must be for at least one of the following reason:

1- The thing must be really good
2- There is nothing worth posting

So that one is about the 2 reasons... :) It's a quiet day in our small quaking world so I was browsing through my bookmark when I found back a good ol' site about reviews of Quake 2 maps. Nightmare Orchards got an excellent review (10/10). This single players map look really nice. So if you're still into old school and single player, then you may wanna try this one!

RtCW for Mac are beginning to be ship today!
by DGhost @ [10:24 AM] April 24 2002

Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the Mac platform is coming! According to this article from Inside Mac games, the people who have made their pre-order will receive it soon. Here's a part of the deal:
If you're a MacGames CD subscriber and have pre-ordered your copy, expect the game to arrive within the next few days.
6 days in advance. Not bad... :)

New patch for Quake 3 Fortress 2
by DGhost @ [10:09 AM] April 24 2002

The team behind Quake 3 Fortress just released a patch bringing their mod to version 2.1. This patch (704 kb) should be installed on the client and server side. Go to the mirror page to download it.

SoF2 MPTest Server Setup Utility
by EZD @ [10:28 PM] April 23 2002

Aphextwin who has created several admin tools for running FPS servers has released a utility for running SOF 2 MP Test servers. Planet Soldier says that it's a "work in progress" and they have posted links for:

Screenshot of the Interface
Download Link
Aphextwin's E-mail

JediKnight II tools
by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] April 23 2002

So the tools where released yesterday by Raven. Here's the list of the tools:
JK2Radiant - the map editor.
MD3View - model viewer for .md3 format models
ModView - model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format model
ShaderEd2 - the shader editor/viewer
sof2map - the map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant uses this.
You can download the tools from these servers:
JediKnight II files
3D Download
At the same time, you may wanna check the JediKnight II editing ressources page for some help along the way!

Today's .plan Updates
by EZD @ [07:32 PM] April 22 2002

A few updated .plans worthy of a look...
Rick Johnson from Raven has some usefull cvars for the SOF II MP Test.
We've put together a quick summary of useful cvars / commands for server operators and clients. This document includes information on how to change movement speed, changing weapon availability, and various other items.
Kenn Hoekstra also from Raven talks about new tools and level editors for Jedi Outcast.
Monday, April 22nd, 2002 - The tools and level editor for Jedi Outcast have been released to the public. The 4MB download includes:
JK2Radiant - The map editor.
MD3View - Model viewer for .md3 format models
ModView - Model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format
model ShaderEd2 - The shader editor/viewer
sof2map - The map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant uses this.

You can download it from any of these sites:
- FilePlanet
- ShackNews
- 3DDownloads
- JediKnightii.net

Q3Offline version released
by EZD @ [08:49 AM] April 22 2002

Since the Q3 engine is just the best thing ever, there are a ton of admin and client side tools available. Q3Offline is just another in a long list of tools for tweaking these games. The newest version has a few fixes and support for SOF 2:
Added support for the Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix MultiPlayer Test. Run Q3Offline, and click on the New toolbar button to select SoF2. The Advanced tab also has options for disabling pickups and setting the team limit. All the other SoF2 options can be set through the usual Q3Offline controls. There are no bots in this SoF2 MP Test.

Added dismemberment options to Jedi Knight II Advanced options. Go to the Q3Offline Advanced page and tick Dismemberment Server and Dismemberment Client. Set Dismemberment Server to 100 and enable Dismemberment Client. Happy slashing!

Fixed importing default bots in Jedi Knight II. This was broken because Jedi keeps its bots.txt file in the botfiles directory (in assets0.pk3) and not the scripts directory.

MOHAA map rotation is still broken in the 1.11 patch when using the vstr command, despite what I thought before. This means we've got to stick to the sv_maplist cvar to set up map rotations. To get Q3Offline to use the sv_maplist cvar, make sure you've got the following in your Templates\MOHAA.q3t file:

Q3Offline no longer writes to your games main .cfg file. It used to do this to make sure the sv_maxclients cvar was set correctly (without it you could get "Server is full" messages if the number of bots + players exceeded the maximum number of clients). Recent testing shows it is now sufficient to put this cvar into the Q3Offline.cfg. Somewhere in the multitude of patches to Q3A etc, it is probable that something was fixed so that the game correctly obeys sv_maxclients when it is in Q3Offline.cfg
You can pick up the file here or head over to their download page for other versions as well.

Trick Jumping by OPCPromo
by DGhost @ [12:55 AM] April 22 2002

OPCPromo got their fourth video of Quake III trick jumping done! You can download the file here or you may also want to download all their video, wich you can find here.

QTracker Version 3.22 released
by EZD @ [08:34 PM] April 21 2002

A new version of Qtracker is now available. They have fixed a few bugs and added support for Soldier of Forture II.
Ah yes, I thought I'd put out a release while the releasing was good... This version adds support for the just-released Soldier of Fortune II demo (now that's a lot of releases). There are also a few enhancements too.

- Added support for Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix.

- Server-side: Added all known Soldier of Fortune II masters to the Qtracker Masters.

- Fixed 1 byte memory over-run at startup. This may have caused Qtracker to crash, or other general mayhem.

- Now loads all descriptions for Multi-Shots, rather than just using the first shots description. This will allow for different descriptions for maps-within-maps. Descriptions will be properly changed when the Multi-Shots cycle.

- PlayerWatch now auto-refreshes the servers your friends are playing on regardless of if you have the server in a folder. This will prevent players from dropping off your PlayerWatch list in the event you don't have auto-refreshing enabled, or the server they're on isn't in one of your folders.
Get the latest version here.

Wolf Runner 1.0 Release Candidate released
by EZD @ [06:57 PM] April 21 2002

If your looking to run a RTCW server, then Wolfrunner 1.0 is for you.
After many weeks of beta testing we are now ready to launch the rc1 release of Wolf Runner. For those of you that are not familiar with Wolf Runner it is a program designed to help configure and launch a Return to Castle Wolfenstein server. Wolf Runner has many options to allow the Admin to fine tune and tweak their server just the way they want.
You can head over to the Wolfrunner site or download the file here.

MAC Wolfenstein Update
by EZD @ [11:00 PM] April 20 2002

There's a firm date for the delivery of RTCW for the MAC platform. Looks like it should be hitting the stores on the 29th of April.
Mac fans who've waiting eagerly for Return to Castle Wolfenstein need wait no more: the game has already shipped and should be hitting store shelves around April 29. For support issues for the Mac version of RtCW, email support@aspyr.com-email or call (512) 708-8100. To order a copy directly, visit the Aspyr web site..

The post that meant nothing, part II
by DGhost @ [08:15 PM] April 20 2002

Well, last saturday I post a, totally useless post. I just love tradition! So here's an another one: LAWL!

Do you think that I can go lower than this? We'll see next week :P

A new map from Hal9000
by DGhost @ [06:01 PM] April 20 2002

Boy do we get serve these days for maps? Hal9000 just released a new map (called Palindrome) For Quake 3 CTF and all the gametype for Team Arena. I'm downloading it as I type this. Check this screenshot at the same time, it looks really nice.

So EZD as I understand waking up this morning was pretty surprising? ;) For me it wasn't an earthquake that woke me up but (again) a good ol' headache because I drank too much last night with my friends. But ooooh yes the summer is comming here in Montréal at last!

Earthshaking news and SOF II progress.
by EZD @ [02:08 PM] April 20 2002

Well, sort of. Woke up to a 5.1 earthquake here in the Northeast part of the US. Scared me right out of bed! I feel for you folks who live in the southern part of California, don’t know how you do it.

Anyway, I downloaded and installed the SOF II MP test yesterday. Didn’t play much, I’ll have to try to get a better feel of the game today. Clem Samson-Samuel from Raven Software has updated his .plan to discuss how the test is going.

As most of you already know, the SOF2 MP test was released yesterday. So far the response has been very positive and it is nice to see people are enjoying the hard work that has been put into it. As mentioned before, SOF2 wasn't originally designed to include MP, and now we have several different game types, 4 of which can be played on with the MP Test.
He has much more to say, so check out the entire text here.

Update on the TEC mod
by DGhost @ [02:55 AM] April 20 2002

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a news about this mod (can you remember, you faithful reader? :P). Okay so I'll give you (again) a small introduction. TEC is about the TECH power up from Quake 2 with a loth of candies (wich was really fun). They decide to update their mod (since their last version was only running on PR 1.17). So their update wich will support the latest PR will be release around may 1.


Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine} Site Launched
by EZD @ [02:03 PM] April 19 2002

There is a new addition to the PlanetWolf family called Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine}. The site has a load of tips, tweaks, scripts, and configs. There is a description on the debriefing page, here's an excerpt:
The purpose of Chiffriermaschinen {The Enigma Machine} is to provide Return To Castle Wolfenstein players a place to learn how to use binds, scripts & configs as well as download custom scripts & configs submitted by other RTCW players just like you.

I've been writing custom gaming scripts since the glory days of QUAKE. I DO NOT consider myself an 'expert' on scripting for RTCW, but I'm definitely an enthusiast ; )

I've written several tutorials and provided you with several downloads to help get you started writing your own scripts ASAP! Visitor contributions are not only welcome but encouraged!
That guy with the small square mustache speaks when you enter the site. I don't speak German, so I have no clue what he's saying!

GeForce4 Review
by blaze @ [02:04 PM] April 19 2002

This usually doesn't get posted, but there are several of you out there that are thinking about upgrading before The Next Doom©. I figured GamePC's review of the nVidia's GeForce4 Ti4200 64MB would come in handy. There are several Q3A benchmarks for you to check out in there as well.

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Multiplayer Test (MP Test)
by EZD @ [08:04 PM] April 19 2002

Well, I'm currently waiting on a long line to pick up the SoF 2 MP test. I'm sure it's worth the wait. There are a bunch of mirrors running with the file, so it could be worse. Blue's News has a list of mirrors, or you can head over to FilePlanet to get the file.

Also for your reading pleasure, Gamespy has a SoF II MP Test Interview with Raven Software's Rick Johnson and Kenn Hoekstra about the MP test.

Here's a list of the specs:
Size: 50MB
Gamemodes: Infiltration, Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch and Elimination
ca. 17 weapons
MP map: »The Shop Under Siege«
Hopefully I'll get the file before I fall asleep!

Update on Syndicate: Arena
by DGhost @ [12:49 AM] April 19 2002

Pheew, a lot of things are going on today in our small world of Quake 3. The Syndicate Arena TC gave us an update of what is going on with them. First of all, their main coder, Banshee, had a crash on his motorbike. He's doing well, but he can't code since he's under medication. So... they are looking for someone to help them finish the TC since 90% of the code is done. Wich brings me to the following point, in about 3 weeks, we're gonna see the TC release! YEAH! But let's put a warning on this one. It's not official yet.

RtCW for Mac is gold!
by DGhost @ [11:34 AM] April 18 2002

As of the 15 of April, Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Mac is gold! Here's the whole PR from Westlake Interactive:
It's been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over. Return To Castle Wolfenstein, the phenomenal first-person shooter, has finally gone Gold Master for the Macintosh and is off to duplication. Originally developed by id software and Gray Matter Studios, RtCW features amazing 3D environments and heart-stopping gameplay. Aspyr Media and Westlake Interactive are both very pleased to bring this great game to our favorite computing platform. Return To Castle Wolfenstein is available for pre-order at now Aspyr.com, and should be hitting store shelves very soon.
You can also go to Inside Mac games for more information about the requirements of the game. So here's an another reason for me to buy a Dual G4! ;)

It's Gumby @ Polycount
by DGhost @ [11:20 AM] April 18 2002

A new model is available @ Polycount, wich is one of our favorite character that we all love/hate him: Gumby! He doesn't get a really good score (6/10) but it should be cute to see him being gibbed! (and here I was talking about quality news :P).

The sky is the limit
by DGhost @ [08:55 AM] April 18 2002

Yeah that title doesn't fit too much for this post but I always like to post meaningless title... :) Anyway lastly I was becoming crazy with all these small flurry critters that where chasing me to sell me their useless water balloons filled with ketchup.

So we/I post an ad that we where looking for someone. If you read the 2 post just below this one you'll see that EZD has been added to our crazy team (me and him, not too much :P). EZD is also a news posters on Gameadmins, an excellent website about running FPS servers. Our goal? Of course taking over the world is somewhere on our list but not our priority. To bring you, you the readers, good/quality news about what is going on with Quake 3 (Quake 2 and 1 also) and games using the engines of our magnificient favorite FPS.

On behalf of the entire team of Q3Arena I would like to welcome EZD aboard. As usual we are here to give you the best informations of what we all like, Quake 3. I hope that you'll enjoy the hard (non-paying) dedicated work we put into this page. If you got any comments about the page, you can drop us an email, we like constructive critics.

Happy fraggin'! :)

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast tweak guide
by EZD @ [02:06 AM] April 18 2002

In my travels this evening, I ran across this tweak guide for Jedi Outcast, the latest sequel in Lucasarts Dark Forces game series. 3DSpotlight has come up with this nifty guide which has several sections including:
- Troubleshooting
- Config Files
- Graphics Options
- In-Game Graphics Settings
- Advanced Graphics Settings
- Audio Settings
- Controls
Check out the complete guide here.

Allow me to introduce myself!
by EZD @ [02:08 AM] April 18 2002

I’m EZD (AKA Mike). I’ll be giving the great staff here at Q3arena a hand with news postings so they can be freed up for more important things (playing new games? finding Bin Laden?). Anyway, drop me an email if you have some news or comments.


Professional gaming, is it possible?
by DGhost @ [03:49 PM] April 17 2002

Cached.net got a good article written by Tapper, the president of Online Gaming League. The article is his personnal point of view about why professional gaming has not lift off has most of us tought it would. Great lecture, I learned a couple of things that I didn't knew or thought about.

An overview of the mods history
by DGhost @ [02:53 PM] April 16 2002

Salon is running an excellent story about the history of the mods. Starting with the new Steam plan from Valve Software, the story bend to the start of the modding of video games. Of course by reading this, you will quickly realise that IDSoftware is in the middle of this story all along.

I like the part about Worldcraft created by an amateur that was used to developped one big commercial game (half life) or the people who didn't like too much the tools available from ID and went to try this new game called Unreal. Stop reading me and go read the article!

Honey, do you have some maps?
by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] April 16 2002

So it's been a while since I post a news about some cool maps. Reason? 'Cauz my gaming deck was dead. FEAR NOT! For now it is fixed! (damn XP :P). Anyway I got a couple of maps I want to download since the last days. Of course they're all for CTF :).

First of all there is the Unofficial Map Pack wich contains some good maps for CTF, 3wave CTF and Team Arena CTF (there is even the Vast and Furious from ButterB. That one is really worth to download.

After that, a new map called The Longest Vortext that you can find on the GNC map depot. The Longest Vortext is a kind of Q3DM17 for Team arena supporting the following game type: ctf, oneflag, harvester and overload. You can also download, in a separate file the .aas for the bots.

The last one worth speaking of is one of the latest map from Kit Carson wich is Age of Tenebra, again CTF, for Quake 3, 3 wave CTF and Team Arena. So many maps to try and so many world to visit.

Show us what you've got!
by DGhost @ [01:04 PM] April 15 2002

We are currently looking for a news poster for our marvelous site, Q3Arena. Of course we cover first of all, Quake 3 but also, games using the Quake 3 engine. I would like someone to be dedicated to post news about games using the Quake 3 engine rather than Quake 3 since I'm already covering this one. If you like FPS game, and mostly you're into MoH, RtCW, JD II, SoF 2, etc, you are craving for fame and women (or sheeps, if that turns you on) and have some time to spare to post news about these games, then you would like to drop me an email.

Basic HTML knowledge is required (believe me, very basic), doesn't make too much errors when typing in english (hey, my primary language is french :P). So just send me an email with the reason why you would like to post news (sheeps?) and a fake post to show me what you've got. This work is on a volunteer basis.

Commander Keen's new design
by DGhost @ [04:36 PM] April 15 2002

My personnal favorite, most usefull page for Quake 3 Arena : Commander Keen's Quake 3 console page got a new design with the help of ElFinko of Signs of Chaos. For any questions about all the commands, variable and tweaking questions, Commander Keen's page is always the best place to check first.

SoF II multiplayer test available next thursday
by DGhost @ [02:08 PM] April 14 2002

Get ready to download next thursday (april, 18) as Gamespy with Raven will officially release the multiplayer demo of Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. Read the full story here.

RtCW source code
by DGhost @ [12:50 PM] April 13 2002

Yeeeeeha! It's here gang, the source code for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Go download it!

The post that meant nothing
by DGhost @ [12:29 PM] April 13 2002

Well I just woke up with a terrible headache, too much beer yesterday night I guess, and here I am trying to post a news... Oh crap, I can't seem to read, I'll post something worth later.

C ya.

Q3F 2.0 Mac fix
by DGhost @ [12:58 PM] April 12 2002

It seems that there is a small problem with Quake 3 Fortress 2 running on a mac. Fortunatly, IDSoftware come to the rescue with a patch to fix the issue. For more informations about this problem you can check this page.

Do you have what it takes to be a news poster?
by DGhost @ [12:21 PM] April 11 2002

We are currently looking for a news poster for our marvelous site, Q3Arena. Of course we cover first of all, Quake 3 but also, games using the Quake 3 engine. I would like someone to be dedicated to post news about games using the Quake 3 engine rather than Quake 3 since I'm already covering this one. If you like FPS game, and mostly you're into MoH, RtCW, JD II, SoF 2, etc, you are craving for fame and women (or sheeps, if that turns you on) and have some time to spare to post news about these games, then you would like to drop me an email.

Basic HTML knowledge is required (believe me, very basic), doesn't make too much errors when typing in english (hey, my primary language is french :P). So just send me an email with the reason why you would like to post news (sheeps?) and a fake post to show me what you've got. This work is on a volunteer basis.

Soldier of Fortune 2 preview
by DGhost @ [08:25 PM] April 10 2002

ActionTrip got a nice preview/review of Soldier of Fortune 2: double helix. Worth a read.

Want Better Pictures of the Day?
by awoq @ [09:18 AM] April 10 2002

We are in need of more pictures of the day! All pictures we post come from our readers. If you have taken some cool screenshots of you playing any Quake engine game, please send us your pics! Submit them to potd@www.q3arena.com today!

Hardware for gamers
by DGhost @ [12:45 PM] April 09 2002

Tuplay got a review of the Nostromo n50 from Belkin. You could be interrested in this 'lil baby for your fraggin pleasure. I bought one more than a month ago and now the only thing I can say about it is: how could I frag without this anymore? It's not meant to replace the mouse but the keyboard. Give it a try and you'll see why this thing got some excellent review.

Jedi Knight II strategy
by DGhost @ [12:30 PM] April 09 2002

I didn't play it yet 'cauz my gaming deck at home is down (burned cpu :( ) and I can't wait to try that one (wich is running on the magnificient Quake 3 engine). Jedi Knight II.net post their strategy/walkthrough on their page. Or you might check their page for anything related to this game!

What's going on with Charon?
by DGhost @ [03:53 PM] April 08 2002

Well, one of my most favorite mapper just give us some news. He was one of the latest to submit his entry for the Geocomp2 challenge of Nunuk and Sock. You've got to see the screenshots, like he said it's more experimental than anything else. And also he got a job @ Ritual Entertainment as a level designer. Congratulation to you. Of course having that job full time cut back on the time available for personnal mapping but he's not gonna stop it neither (I hope so 'cauz I' m gonna break his legs if he stops, just kidding... mmmm maybe not). Check out his webpage for more informations.

Threewave server update
by DGhost @ [12:57 PM] April 08 2002

Okay, I'm late for this news but it actually got some cool info that I like. The Threewave server was down during the week end because of hardware upgrade. But at the same time Casey from Threewave was telling us the following:
As mentioned a couple of news posts ago, the Threewave game server is taking the weekend off for some much needed hardware upgrades. quake.threewave.com, also known as "Blacktongue - The official Threewave server". This is Blacktongue's 5th change of hardware in over 5 years. Blacktongue is the oldest CTF server on earth, and has managed Linux uptimes in excess of 300 days at a time, interrupted only by hardware/software upgrades. Blacktongue is located near sunny Vancouver, Canada. Hopefully we'll have it back online by Monday.
I always like to know these kind of information since I run a couple of servers myself. So their server has been running for 5 years on Linux and it's up of an average of 300 days per year. Not bad... :) Just a shame that I don't use this server since it's too far away from my deck. Oh well, that doesn't stop me from playing Threewave.

QuakeIT version 4.01
by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] April 08 2002

QuakeIT is a Quake 3 launcher, scannning your baseq3 folder for all your custom maps. Supporting also a couple of mods, it got an internet database of bots and you can import custom .cfg files. Check their webpage.

Quake 3 Fortress 2 is out!
by DGhost @ [07:42 PM] April 07 2002

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday, I was coming back from Toronto and I ate a sandwich at the airport that made me sick. Anyway, like I said friday, Q3F 2.0 has been released yesterday. So go download it!

RtCW 1.31 for Linux and Win *cough* *cough* dows/crap
by DGhost @ [03:08 PM] April 05 2002

Yep! A new patch has just been released for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. You might wanna get it from these 2 mirrors:
- Blue's News
- PlanetWolfenstein
In 2 flavor, Linux and Windows. Also note that there is a lite version of the patch wich doesn't have the PunkBuster support.

Medal of Honor: Allied assault coming to a Mac near you
by DGhost @ [02:04 PM] April 05 2002

Yep that's right gang! One of my favorite WWII FPS is coming to Mac soon (Yeah!!!!!). Lemme copy/paste you the news from West Lake Interactive.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is Beta! Westlake has begun beta testing MOH:AA, and is looking forward to getting the software all polished up and ready to ship out to gamers. We're planning a very thorough testing period to squash all the bugs we can. The game is playing very well, and Mac gamers should be happy to know we're well ahead of our original schedule, so a ship date before the original August target looks very probable.
I always love a company who respect their customers no matter which platform they are using!

Kenn Hoekstra's interviews
by DGhost @ [01:50 PM] April 05 2002

That's interviews with an S because I've got 2 for you. If you're wondering who's this guy then his title at Raven his: Software's Project Administrator. And he's working on Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix. The first interview may be found on EliteD and the second one @ The Lone Gamers.

Some quickies
by DGhost @ [01:39 PM] April 05 2002

Okay so here's a bunch of small news:
3D ActionPlanet got a preview of the upcoming Quake 3 Fortress 2 wich will be release tomorrow the 6.

The team behind the TC The Dark Conjunction will soon release their source code to the community since they've stopped working on it because they got jobs after releasing the TC. You might wanna check their webpage to know right away when it will be release.

You might had problem resolving the DNS of Bid for Power but now everything is back to normal (you can also resolve their true dns with this link: Bid For Power.
That's about it for the moment!

The Doom Encyclopedia
by DGhost @ [12:48 PM] April 04 2002

This site is dedicated to Doom (I think you can figure that out just with the title :P). There is even a french version of the page, wouhou! So if you are looking for some information about this old time classic or even FPS games in general, searching for some kind of wallpapers, music and utilities (more files are coming) then go visit the Doom Encyclopedia!

Quake 3 Radio version 1.2
by DGhost @ [12:38 PM] April 04 2002

I got an email this morning about a new version of Quake 3 Radio. Instead of explaining it to you what it does exactly lemme copy/paste a text from the manual of Quake 3 Radio.
Communication is very important for teamplay gametypes like Team DM and CTF. Most players don't have time to read text messages in the heat of the fight. Quake III Radio adds support for radio messages to Quake III Arena, messages played through the speakers of any multimedia computer. These radio messages can be user-defined by configuration files, so your own personalised messages can be added. The radio messages are stored as pre-recorded wave files, Quake III Radio is not a real time communications system (mainly because they use too much bandwidth).
Now that we got more knowledge let's go download this thing!

Christian Antkow new .Plan update
by DGhost @ [01:29 PM] April 03 2002

So here's the whole deal from Christian Antkow a.k.a. Xian:
Wolfenstein Multiplayer Stuff

I am currently testing the new Dedicated Only Server, (Win32) that should hopefully be released in the near future, on my MP_BASE and MP_DESTRUCTION Servers.

This will be a relatively small 27mb download for people who wish to run Wolf Servers without having to copy the entire game directory onto a server machine.

Furthermore, I'm working with Tony Ray of Even Balance (Punkbuster) to implement server administration tools via a web browser. Right now, it only allows kicking and banning of users remotely, but if it takes off, server admins should be able to change any settings on their servers via a webpage. I'm currently testing the new Punkbuster stuff on both my Base and Destruction servers. If it ends up working well, it will more than likely make it's way into a future release of Punkbuster!

We would *GREATLY* appreciate it if people could bang on the servers for the next day or so to see if any bugs crop up. If it's stable for the next 24 hours or so, I'll go ahead and update my Beach, Ice and Trench Toast Servers.

The two servers currently being tested with the new stuff are at; - Xian's MP_DESTRUCTION Server - Xian's MP_BASE Server

Stats and Forums for my servers are available at;


If anyone encounters any problems with both those servers, please email me at xian@idsoftware.com with any issues.



Latest version of Q3Offline
by DGhost @ [12:07 PM] April 03 2002

There is a new version of this usefull front-end and server admin tool for Quake III Arena powered games. The new version ( of Q3Offline has support for the following games:
- Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Quake III Arena
- Quake III Team Arena
- Star Trek Voyager Elite Force
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault
So that's it!

Geocomp2 maps
by DGhost @ [02:59 PM] April 02 2002

The page is up gang! You can see all the maps of the contestants. I only got one thing to say: Wooow! It's really beautiful and original! Go see all the maps! Okay is it possible to have a map pack of all the contestant? When can we download all the maps?

Reaction Quake 3 version 2.0 is coming
by DGhost @ [08:48 AM] April 02 2002

For those of you who doesn't know, Reaction Quake 3 is a port of the popular mod Action Quake 2. The original team of the mod moved to Half life and Unreal (no comments) after that and never did a version for Quake 3. So a team started their own project to re-create the gameplay of Action Quake 2 and called it "Reaction Quake 3. Anyway this is all old stuff. I'm posting a news about this because a new version is coming soon (beta 2.0). Current version is 1.10 Hit their webpage for a complete update of what's going on with them!

Nunuk's geometry challenge is close!
by DGhost @ [01:04 AM] April 02 2002

So the final date to send all your maps to Nunuk for his Geometry challenge has been hit. A level screenshots section will be created so that we can all see these weird architectures. We'll probably see some cool/weirdo stuff... I'll keep you updated on this as soon the page is up.

Update: at the same time here's what Nunuk has to say about the map being submitted:
"For now, the least I can say is that I'm damn impressed by the overall level and quality of these works. in a way, it looks like some sort of "dream come true" for me. I certainly hope it will have been as fun for you building these geocomp levels, than it is for me looking and playing in them."

Polycount hit 4
by DGhost @ [01:00 AM] April 02 2002

When you had the blues for a new models they where there, when you where looking for something refreshing they where there also. Polycount has reach 4 years. Happy birthday for the best site on FPS models! My personnal opinion of course, but I think that a lot of you will agree with me... ;) Congratulations Polycount!

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